Friends of the Court

Good v Iowa Department of Human Services

September 04, 2018

Brief Of Amici Curiae The American Medical Association, The Iowa Medical Society, The American College Of Physicians, Mental Health America, National Association Of Social Workers, And Glma: Health Professionals Advancing Lgbt Equality

"Gender dysphoria is a recognized medical condition that causes an individual great distress due to the incongruence between the individual’s sex or gender assigned at birth biological gender and their strongly felt gender identity. Gender dysphoria is a serious medical condition that can be life-threatening if untreated. The internationally recognized standards of care for gender dysphoria, established by renowned medical and mentalhealth professional organizations, recognize that surgeries to treat gender dysphoria (also known as sex-reassignment surgeries, or SRS), are clinically effective and medically necessary, in some cases, to treat severe gender dysphoria and sometimes may be a patient’s only effective treatment option. For this reason, courts have recognized that blanket prohibitions on surgical treatments for gender dysphoria can result in significant harm"

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