Friends of the Court

Adams v St. Johns County School Board

July 26, 2018

Findings Of Fact And Conclusions Of Law

"The Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline considers the standard of care for some adults and adolescents with gender dysphoria or who seek gender affirmance to include hormone treatment which, for a transgender male, will alter the appearance of the genitals, suppress menstruation, and produce secondary sex characteristics such as increased muscle mass, increased body hair on the face, chest, and abdomen, and a deepening of the voice. Doc. 151, Pl. Ex. 30 at 18-19. Surgical interventions (including a double mastectomy and chest reconstruction for transgender men (sometimes referred to as “top surgery”) and/or genital surgery) may be appropriate and medically necessary for some patients, but may be delayed until the age of legal majority because, unlike the other treatments, they are largely irreversible. "

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